I've got a pile of shit in my bedroom. In it is about a hundred things I've wanted to post up over the years but never got around to. I'm starting to work a little less now, and getting a little more time on my bike and a little more time on the internet.
Billy F. and I were riding this pool in Phoenix a couple years ago when out of nowhere, this guy jumps over the fence and barges into our secret session. In his hands he's got a ladder and a light meter.
That uncomfortable silence ensued while we were sizing each other up and a "what's up?!" finally came out of someone's mouth.
We both stared up at him out of the corner of our eyes from the bottom of the pool. On the other side of the fence the guy was on top of his ladder taking several light readings without saying much else. He wasn't around for more than a few minutes but before he left, we got out of him that he was an artist doing a study on drought and water shortage.
I didn't believe that shit for a second and we left QUICK!
Pop--> Works--> WWWater Shortages
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