bink interview


bink is a fucking mess. he uses lemons for deoderant, went from being vegan to eating nothing but raw red meat, and as youll read, has done a bunch more questionable acts in his life. as well as ride bikes very well ( see kore video for proof) soo yeah. go read more on the transplant from minnesota. www.bmxunion.com


Scraper Bikes


Zuka posted this on myspace a few months ago and I forgot about it. But for some reason I poped into my mind today in class. Its a little off topic for the blog but too good not to post. KC, this should be your next video part song. j/k


Douglas Video

Here is a little video that Derek Riggs filmed while he was in Douglas for a few days. The qulaity isn't perfect but its still a good video.The video has Ruben Torres, James(sorry I don't know your last name), ans Derek Riggs. Enjoy


Dew Tour


The Dew tour is over. I'd like to congratulate Danny Williams on another year on the tour. He was at all the stops and shredded the U-Tack. Averaging 13th and 14th place at each stop. Which is really good considering the company he is in. But he ended up getting 16th over all. He'd have done better if they didn't screw him out of The Panasonic Open(Baltimore) points that he earned. Good job man. Maybe next year you can beat up on some of the defenseless old men again.


More interbike session photos


Anthem Session Photos by: Mykespace
(click on the photos to make them clearer)
Albro with a touchdown
Steven Mueller high fives all around
Ryan Crammer turndown
Kyle Hart opposite one foot table
Johnny Stevens opposite table Albeerticus and John Ludwick Jr remeber the name they training for X Gaymes vert Doubles
Rilabetes..flash check for gq.com haha
Ruben Torres 360
Kyle Hart one hander one footer


Josh Betley random Q's


Read it on bmxonline.com it also has some links to videos that they posted awhile ago that include him.


Help a Brother Out!


Poached from Vital. "For any of you who don't know, Smoker Dave is one of the most legendary, influential street riders of all time. He has been consistently pushing riding for well over 10 years and a recently ran into some bad luck. For the full story, you can watch this video interview he did on Vital a few months ago, but basically he got a really rare form of cancer ( NOT related to the fact that he used to smoke ) and has been unable to work for a while now. He's got a wife and 2 kids so this has obviously been a huge financial burden. The guys from Hell On Earth and I came up with this shirt design to hopefully be able to raise some money to help Dave out." "The shirt's cost is 20 dollars ( including shipping ), of which the entire amount will go towards Dave and his family. I'll be covering the costs of producing the shirts as well as the shipping charges. In terms of payment options you can send a check/money order or well concealed cash to:" Adam Grandmaison PO Box 432 Brooklyn NY 1123 Or you could Paypal the amount to heyshutupman@hotmail.com. "Make sure to include your shirt size ( any size from small up to XXL ), and what color you want ( we're doing the design on white/grey like the one above as well as on black shirts with white ink )." "It's been amazing seeing how much support Stephen Murray has gotten from the community in regards to his situation and hopefully we can help out Dave too since he definitely needs it. Anyone who buys a shirt is encouraged to donate more than the 20 dollars too if they can afford it, I'll make sure that it all gets delivered to him."


Looks like we may get another one.


I found this on azcentral.com today. Skateboarders, bikers may share new park Tony Lombardo The Arizona Republic Oct. 14, 2007 12:00 AM "Valley cities have struggled to accommodate both stunt-bike riders and skateboarders in their parks in recent years, with Surprise offering the latest example of the collision between recreational interests." "Park-maintenance costs, safety and rivalries between user groups have made the choice between bikes and skateboards an ongoing debate at most city recreation parks." "Surprise recreation leaders, currently planning to open a park in 2008, believe they can curb the problem by alternating days when the facility is used as a bike park or skateboard park." "Bike riders would be welcome on odd days of the month and skateboarders on even days, according to the city's preliminary rules for the park." "The notion of keeping the two apart in Surprise is based on other cities' past experiences, Community & Recreation Services Director Mark Coronado said." "We want to be very clear. We're not trying to single out BMX-ers versus skateboard- ers, but we found that bikes and skateboards sometimes don't mix," he said." "Just last month, Paradise Valley Skate Park reopened with new rules, including a ban on bikes. Skateboarders found themselves too often competing for space with bike riders, officials said." "In Goodyear, the City Council banned bike riders from the city skate park in March for a variety of reasons, including safety and upkeep." "When it opened in January, the Goodyear park was seeing more than 500 users on weekend days, but the bikes were chewing up the concrete facility that was designed only for skateboards, and there was excessive crime, said Brian Barnes, Goodyear's deputy director of public works." "There was a lot of drug activity, graffiti, litter and other inappropriate behavior," he said." "The park has since quieted down, with about 50 skateboarders on a typical day, Barnes said. It wasn't just eliminating bikes that did the trick, however. Goodyear is now staffing the park to enforce its rules and requiring users to wear helmets." "In Chandler, officials opened the Valley's first bike-only stunt park in May after seven years of discussion and work." "In 2000, the city opened its skate park, and bike users instantly wanted to participate, said Craig Younger, spokesman for the community services department." "The city formed an advisory group that eventually led to building a separate facility." "Coronado said it was Surprise's recreation board that came up with the idea of splitting the new park's use. But some now fear enforcing park rules could become an issue." "In Goodyear, for example, some park users adamantly insisted they could not be told when they could use the facility, leading officials to avoid the strategy being pursued by Surprise, Barnes said." "The attitude from some, he said, was, "You built the park and now it's ours. Go away." "Enforcement in Surprise might be tricky because the current draft of the rules says the park will be largely unsupervised. In Barnes' estimation, "Surprise is probably going to need some sort of supervision." "Expected to open in summer 2008, it will have standard skate-park amenities, such as half pipes, rails and stairs on which to perform tricks. It will cost an estimated $905,000." "Coronado stressed that the rules are a work in progress, and are subject to change." I like how Brian Barnes thought kicking bikes out would solve the problems at Goodyear. But there was a lot crime there. They even had under cover cops posing a bike riders. What does the city expect when there are that many people in a small area?


Flagstaff dudes Kill it


Here are some picutres that swbmx's offical photographer Derk Riggs shot tonight of the Flag guys at the Chandler park. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Glendale Park is open


Unless you've been living under a rock the park is open! The hours are 9am till 10pm. The opening wasn't as packed as I though it would be so I was able to get my ride on for a little. This place was basically designed for bikes and dudes have already been putting work in on it. Here are some pictures that Derek Riggs shot at the park in the past few days. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Also Sean has an inverview on vitalbmx. I'd post it here but for some reason the html codes do not work. So you'll have to go over to thier site to peep it.


AZ kids are coming up.


Steven Peltser is now riding flow from Haro. Apparently he was at interbike and one of the Haro guys asked if he was Steven Pelters and told him they wanted to hook him up. He's got a box of goddies on the way. Good job son!!


Glendale article


Everyones favorite Jason Ryan did a write up on bmxonline and somewhere on vital, about how he got bmx into that new Glendale park. Check it out I think it had info on when it was opening and just cool stuff about the park. -After reading it I decided I need a poster of Old School on my wall right between superman and spiderman. Simply because they are my HEROS!


Interbike 2007


I hate Vegas but I sure like Interbike
Bootleg Passes of the year Bill Cosby and OJ Simpson Nick "DickNose" Fletcher Pimping All Day
Sponge Bob
Johnny doing his flair
I can't remeber this kids name but he is new to Prescott, 15 and is a shredder
Steven Mueller Ryan Crammer
Arizona's fav. SD Kid Albert Shredding Kyle Hart also from San Diego
-sorry the photos are all blurry I had camera problems, so text fabio your complaints cause he didn't even show up!


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