Johnny Stevens is a daddy


Johnny had a baby over the weekend. Juilan Joseph Stevens came in at 20 and 1/2 inches and 7.7 pounds. Congrats to mom and dad. Note the dad mustache he is rocking in the pic.


This is how videos should be made.



Sean's section from Brighton Aint Ready

Brighton Aint Ready / Sean Sexton from Seventies Distribution on Vimeo.

There are some hot lines in this.


Casper is on The Make

I like Casper. He does neat tricks.


Ruben Torres Edit


Ruben Torres - A Day at Chandler from Kyle Huffman on Vimeo.

Ruben is from Douglas and kills it. This is an edit he did for Blass Bikes that I think is out of Mexico.
People have been moving lately. TC Los moved to Vegas. He is trying to talk TV Lavin into hooking him up with a job hosting some lame MTV show. And Derek moved to Austin. All the liquor stores have seen a huge jump in sales since he's been there.

Good luck guys.


shameless self promotion


hey everybody come check out how good i look!


Holy Shit!


Being not much of a web-nerd, I was at a loss for words when Blogger discontinued their FTP publishing on May 1st. Today I figured out I was trying to do everything the hard way! F-Yeah! Rilabities!


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