frames and bikes


even tho ryan (sher) doesnt live here anymore hes still got plenty of phoenix pride left in him. and a major ispiration behind the imagery that his company , subrosa uses , is day of the dead mexican style art and imagery which he obviously saw alot of when he lived out here. with that said. he introduced his complete line of complete bikes today . they look awesome ( check out that cruiser!!) go have a look www.subrosabrand.com and for a little shameless self promotion ( someone has to haha) my frame the lost dutchman finally comes out next week from kink. so go bug ryan at kore and adventure and gordys .. or really whoever you want and get one!! the frame is awesome ( im not just saying that because its mine) it rivals every new frame that is being released right now. it uses every peice of newer technology we could ensuring that it was both light, and strong, without being gimmicky ( insert easter "grim reaper" seriously who rides a bike that looks like its gonna kill you.. thats named after death himself! hah) and i also put alot of thought into the imagery of the decals, the color of the frame, and even the name, and they all have a "arizona" theme. i figured arizona is awesome. i love it.. why shouldnt everyone else ha check it out on www.kinkbmx.com


More Johnny Stevens *sighs*


To continue with the Johnny Stevens theme here is some more news about P-towns wounder boy. He is now not only riding for Levis and Atom lab but Mutiny Bikes has also been add on to the list. He is only on the flow list for now but from the video below, I think he'll be on the pro team in no time. Also he is going to Cali this weekend to flim for a Levis video with Morgan Wade and Brent Walker. Congrats dude you deserve it.


prescott session


its pretty safe to say johhny is ridiculous on a bike. bong, fat tony, finley, and baby d have some good clips too. rumor has it that wongs gonna sell his current camera and step into HD life??




if u havnt seen it yet. i suggest you run on out to kore, gordys, or adventure or wherever you can find a copy and pick it up. i finally watched it again ( i hadnt seen it since the premier where .. well lets just say there were alot of free beverages) and it seriously is amazing. all i will say is that ruben once again will change how everyone rides a bike. plus its got baker in it. in what i think its the "perfect" trails part. it reminds you how fun trails are. and how different of a bike riding experience it is to ride them. if the riding isnt good enough reason to go buy the video.. it comes in a book full of art that some members from the team have done. photography, drawing, paintings. i even have a little thing .. that fabio took the photos for..



Sorry that I've been slacking lately guys. Its hot outside and I go into shutdown mode. But I still got a little something for you. First, the proshop at the Glendale park is being built and I'd say that its got about another month till is finished. Hence, my expectations is that the Glendale park will be open in a month. Next if you been to any BMX related site lately KC has been getting alot of love. Check out the usual sites for all of his updates. KC is gonna be on MTV? Finally, Chadwick first video was really good and worth every penny of the ten bucks or whatever it costs. GO BUY ONE NOW! Here is the trailer for the movie "I got work"


Check out the Tragic co website


Los has been making some updates on it. Lurk the Lucas video, it's good he sends it no homo. http://tragicusa.com/


more smoker


this might be a little premature ( as all the details havent quite been worked out) but i figured since kores shirts are up i might as well ad this.. when i heard about daves condition i instantly started thinking of ways to help out. and not more than a couple days later smokes boy drew hasselton got a hold of me saying that he was planning fundraiser/ jam for dave . so basically hes been doing all the groundwork and ive been helping out however i can , so as of right now the jam is forecasted to go down at reed ( chandler isnt being to nice.) sometime in mid august ( i know its hot. but fuck it its for a good cause) basically just going to be a good time. ride hang out. donate some cash to a good friend. and least importantly maybe take home some cool prizes. if anyone wants to help out i ( any way is awesome maybe bring out some hotdogs or beer or whatever and we can bbq along w/ ride the day of the jam, maybe you are good at graphic design and want to post up flyers in all your neighborhood shops/ spots. anything helps. theres no reason this shouldnt be bigger than local exposure tour was.. ) let me know. leave a comment or email me at kcbadger82@yahoo.com but basically everyone should come out and support however they can. even if all you can do is show up. it means alot. this is a good time for our random spread out scene to come together and support a good friend. ill definetly keep everyone up to date as things pan out. enjoy the heat suckasss!!


Smoker Shirts

Yo so all you doods have heard about Smoker's plight, so I'm not gonna get into it, but Ryan at Kore Bikes got a HUGE batch of shirts made to help raise some scril for Dave and his family, to help them through these tough times. Friday they had a huge rack of these killer shirts and I snatched one up right quick!! All you fat kids and westsiders may not be able to find an XL ondisplay, but ask Ryan and he'll find one buried in the bottom of a box somewhere in the back!! But go there, and get one. 100% of proceeds go to a worthy cause!! Thanks Ryan for stepping up and get good soon Dave!!!


cover boy


congrats to sean sexton. he got the cover of the new megatour video and a lil pic inside of ride uk. plus he just went on road fools. kids blowin up! i cant think of someone who deserves it more. im syked for him.


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