40ft. Flips


Max posted a link to this on myspace and I its worth a look. Apparently Jon (sponge bob) Erickson can flip his freeride bike over 40ft sets. What the fuck?
Sponge Bob is out of his mind!
Sorry I couldn't embed it so just use the link. His flip is at about 1:30

just goes to show, anyone that is decent in BMX can switch to 26" and ruin the competition.
the better part of that video is shaun shuman.. old tucson rider who switched to the big wheels a long time ago. he fucking ruled on the bmx. good to see hes still shredding.
Bob, you may be right in that if your decent at BMX you can own MTB's, but flipping 40 ft. doubles...I dont really think that has shit to do with BMX skills and all to do with sheer insanity. Sponge would have done than had he never even touched a BMX. Kid rules.
oh yeah and the above from was from me
26s are so fun! you can hack up a landing so bad and its still smooth... and the 26" wheel makes jumps half-sized, not as scary.. and yes, Bob is a nut
hell yeah good for spongebob!
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