Guns Out


I know this has nothing to do with BMX but since its almost winter, this is a video my friends came out with this summer after filming all last winter. Pretty much every crew puts out these videos kinda like the phx massacre but on a larger scale. Anyhow this is their trailer and they are selling dvds or you can download it onto your computer at their website http://www.varietyinyourlife.com/ They have all kinds of alternative edits on the net as well too that would be worth lurking.

I think it's weird when snowboards session street stuff like rails and I'm sure their argument is BMX should stay on a track. But, bikes can go ride around the city and you can ride your bike to the store. These dudes get to the top of the stair set and strap up, then have their buddies push them at the rail. Is this weird to anyone else?
Yeah weird but snowboarding has grown more towards street. kids don't even go out in the backcountry anymore to be pro. and to top it all off who can afford to pay for $70+ lift tickets to go and wait in lines to ride one box. Plus rails that are under 20 stairs aren't even photographable or filmable and no Ski Resort will build something like that. Plus street is street there is no other way around it.
accutane babies

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