end of a tradition


the first time i went to fort i was 13, i had heard about a dirt jumping contest out there and i wanted to go check it out, i rolled up and the skunk bros as well as a couple uhl dudes were building one giant jump. i couldnt even believe that anyone could jump it . let alone do tricks on it. but after that weekend i was hooked, and for almost every year since I helped build the jumps for that contest. looking back it seems kind of dumb to spend countless hours on a set of trails that we were essentially only going to be able to ride for a weekend, or maybe a few weeks throughout the year, and the fact that they were going to inevitably get demolished from the sheer amount of people riding them, but every year we went out there and built the trails. ( not to mention the complete rebuild of the ramps that jack, greg, jerry and many others helped out w/ throughout the years) and it just became what we did between october and november, that was Fort season. the trails evolved just like bike riding, and i can honestly say that the section we made a few years ago w/ the step down , long and low steup up right hip, and the few transfer lines was one of the most fun sections ive ever ridden. ,the Fort contest has been sort of a tradition for alot of us over the past 12 years, a reunion of sorts.a place where everyone that has ever rode a bike in AZ has been there, shredded, got shredded,and had fun, and this is the last year, ever. thats right. the fort mcdowell bmx contest is going to be no more. seems crazy. but like everything, all good things must come to an end. so, next weekend ( november 14-16th) everyone should find a way out to fort, hang out, eat fry bread, ride the ramps, the trails, and say goodbye to a legendary AZ spot/event. it should be a good time. thanks fort. ill miss you.

I am sad to see fort go but I don't think it really matters to but a few people now. It wasn't what it used to be when people would really look forward to the contest. Since other spots and parks have opened it has taken away from the exitement of fort and riding park where there was no other park to ride. KC is right though it is a gathering of AZ's scence. I get to see people that I don't that I haven't seen all year. But for those new school kids that don't know about what fort has done for the scene. But in all reality what other local contest has lasted this long? Its had a good run
when i was like 16 for might as well have been X games. it seemed like as our scene grew and got better, fort got worse. its sad to see it go, but phoenix doesn't really need it anymore. we have outgrown it which is definitely a good thing.
i remember my first time at the fort .. Dam there was alot of bikes. we drove three and a half hours to get there. and let me tell you it was one of the biggest contest weve ever seen. sad to see it go. hope theres soemething bigger to take its place
Brandon is that you?
Oh man, I didn't think this would ever happen.

RIP fort!
"it seemed like as our scene grew and got better, fort got worse" as drew said it dis seem that as we got stronger as a scene in Az the fort got worse, however, if you have any brain in your head you will relaize why--it is the same reason why Vans, SDG, Free Ride, and the re-named Phoenix Park died. Everyone thought they were to good to pay, and not just dollars but man power. We had the budget to make fort the best thing ever, but as everyones pants got tighter and their hair got longer, the help was less and less. Everyone always complanied that the fort was bumpy or this and that-we had the means to fix it, but no one but a handfull would even show up. THe past few years vogle ahd took the project and did his best with Jack. I gave up because everyone else is such an obvious bitch. The years we did makeovers on the place it ruled, but steve and his attitude ruined my desire to help and jerrys too. The fort was my favorite spot, I learned, flairs, barspiuns, whips, super seats and quarterpipe airs. THe place was off the chain. But again when the "scene" thinks that they are too cool, things dont get done. Not to mention the work ethic of an az bike rider is unreal, thats why most of you work at a bike shop or pizza delivery joint. Its amazing to see that people think fort fell off when in reality it was you that fell off. It is hard to have six people rebuid the trails and ramps in just a few weeks. Its not like we got paid or got anything in return. We did it so you guys would pop off, so i would send some gnar transfew 1,000 feet to my head. Its what it was about. In short it is a damn shame to see it go and I will miss that place more than anyone and you all know that. I hate riding with 100 squids at the park. I hate riding with people that think bikes is fashion and I hate the suck ass followers who chase around their favorite rider like they want to give him a b.j. So my escape was fort, and until recently that was the place to be, but its all over, my favorite place to ride in the world, magazine pics form there, video clips, 720's beer, friends, reunions every year. I will miss every bit of it. But in general, it had to happen sometime. So I have a new project and I hope to never see you there either, I remember the good times. I just hope to god that this year pops off, I am not sure i will go or not, but I may have to for sentimental reasons. The fort will be missed and now I have to wait in line for a run at the park behind 100 kids that should have played football. And for all you haters on fort, you missed the good times out there, but remeber why, you werent ever invited---because most of you are useless as fuck, just wait a few yerars it will become plainly clear.
It really is a damn shame to see that place go down. The contests have always been the biggest things ever. Bringing the scene together for that whole weekend to see them disappear all over again for another year. Its always been a blast and thank god Greg kept it gnarly out there to keep kids hucking for all those years.
whats like the schedule like what time should i go?
Schedule???? man if you need to know anything about fort it is that there is no schedule. Just come out ride and have fun. Nov. 14-16.
Thanks Greg. I owe you a 40.
"THe place was off the chain."

Hey Greg, 1999 called, it wants its ebonics superlative back.
yeah man that dude mike needs to know everyone eveery where smokes alot of weed, but we still go ride.

see ya at the fort.
wat time does it start on friday
I always had fun at Fort even though its the most unorganized contest, its great in the end.

But nonetheless I love going out there and freezing my ass off, eating fry bread, hanging out with all you beautifuls, watching people kill themselves, watching Greg cuss up a storm, and then going to Wendy's afterwards lol.
3pm to 10pm friday
10am to 10pm sat and sun.
Word Greg, im with you buddy if I knew some one out there i would help just because im that type of person. as long as i got a ride,ill dig and hammer. Ill even smoke greens and drink beer and work. Its all about comradely out here.When the scene blew up with the new spots i did notice nobody came out. The first time I came out to AZ I went to fort for a benefit, I don't remember the person who it was for but I loved that day a lot. Hit me up im down for some building! gotta tech me a bit. haha see you this weekend if I get a ride out there.

P.S. Can anybody give me a ride? I live at 16st and Bell 602-793-2785.
Also? when did anonymous kids from the come up start talking shit on here again?
Damn it, I am a douche. Please disregard all of my comments. I'm gonna go sit in a corner now.
Mikey you are a douche! I feel old now that the fort is going down. I was at the first. Now I am sad that I am going to miss the last. By the way I think I was already riding for a few years at that time. Someone asked me how long i have been riding the other day and I said too long to suck this bad. Viva la Skunk Bros! Flagtown!

Ps. lets hope the south dont rise again.
oh yeah I was also at the 3rd X games when Gonz got officially band from anymore espn events. I was 18 and boy what a time!
-Stoned and Wrinkling Bean
call me active smoker
I heard Mesa was worse for the Meth problem. Mormons love meth.
Shoot, I don't even ride a bike and I'm going to the AZ X games this year. Glad to see Greg is still the hard ass bully who talks shit to everyone and holds down the 4.0 GPA (no offensive, just pointing out the freshness of Greg).
I LIKE POOP........
I LIKE POOP..........
I LIKE POOP...........
I LIKE POOP............
WTF! Greg hasn't graduated yet? Isn't this like his sixth year or something? I know he failed spelling class, though.

Bean, that's The Gonz to you, buddy.
Your right but that is The Bean to you!
are they having a pro comp this year? i didn't see anything on the flyer for it.
dont even come if you are asking that question.....
it is a ssad thing to hear, i have alot of memories out there. may the miogie beer drink on the spine rest in peace, GL knows what im talking about. Shit was sick


i hate white people..and blue mad dog... yes... blue maddog20/20 isn't to divine.....

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