We are adding two setups at dysart, they will have nothing to do with pegs. so everyone who is not a fan of grindin' will have a good time also. -Smoker Dave-
i hate florida with a passion, but the kids that live there def. know how to party, and fucking shred bikes. this part is a few months old.. but its seriously awesome. kid is LOOSE! full speed ahead.
colt fake.
orphan thanksgiving.
i hope none of you are actual orphans.. but if anyone is not going to be with their family on thanksgiving like myself and need a place to eat some turkey, my mom hooked us up w/ a full meal, turkey, potatoes, biscuits stuffing.. etc so if you need a place to eat. holler. bring over some beer, or dessert or somethin, and lets eat.
sometimes skaters arent too smart. but you got to love companies like es who put on contests where the person who gives up some spots could potentially win some shoes.. hah this is pretty awesome tho.. spots all over the world. exact locations, photos of the spot, and if you click on it.. google earth will show you exactly where and what it is.. not bad
there are some not so secret spots on the AZ page. but still a couple good ones that not alot of people might not know about/ go to. check it out
this seriously made my day, mikey was in a coma just a few weeks ago, and now hes out of the hospital, seriously kicking ass.
good to see tim greeting him w/ a soda too! haha
keep it up mike!
the first time i went to fort i was 13, i had heard about a dirt jumping contest out there and i wanted to go check it out, i rolled up and the skunk bros as well as a couple uhl dudes were building one giant jump. i couldnt even believe that anyone could jump it . let alone do tricks on it. but after that weekend i was hooked, and for almost every year since I helped build the jumps for that contest. looking back it seems kind of dumb to spend countless hours on a set of trails that we were essentially only going to be able to ride for a weekend, or maybe a few weeks throughout the year, and the fact that they were going to inevitably get demolished from the sheer amount of people riding them, but every year we went out there and built the trails. ( not to mention the complete rebuild of the ramps that jack, greg, jerry and many others helped out w/ throughout the years) and it just became what we did between october and november, that was Fort season. the trails evolved just like bike riding, and i can honestly say that the section we made a few years ago w/ the step down , long and low steup up right hip, and the few transfer lines was one of the most fun sections ive ever ridden. ,the Fort contest has been sort of a tradition for alot of us over the past 12 years, a reunion of sorts.a place where everyone that has ever rode a bike in AZ has been there, shredded, got shredded,and had fun, and this is the last year, ever.
thats right. the fort mcdowell bmx contest is going to be no more. seems crazy. but like everything, all good things must come to an end. so, next weekend ( november 14-16th) everyone should find a way out to fort, hang out, eat fry bread, ride the ramps, the trails, and say goodbye to a legendary AZ spot/event. it should be a good time.
thanks fort. ill miss you.
I know this has nothing to do with BMX but since its almost winter, this is a video my friends came out with this summer after filming all last winter. Pretty much every crew puts out these videos kinda like the phx massacre but on a larger scale. Anyhow this is their trailer and they are selling dvds or you can download it onto your computer at their website http://www.varietyinyourlife.com/
They have all kinds of alternative edits on the net as well too that would be worth lurking.