Johnny Harnish Web Edit


Jason DeLorenzo filmed most of it and C-Los filmed a clip or two. And Johnny, I don't know about this Team Iowa business. Its all about Team Arizona. haha

Probably one of the only guys better than me in Az
you forgot about shane rookie!!!
usually one someone successfully pulls off a soundtrack like that its cause there was a ton af banger tricks. but that was just an "eh" video. it was better on mute. but nothing we havent seen a hundred times before.
slow motion. helmet. boner.
video was annoying. learn to edit! johnny is good tho
god damn that was epic. Remember that Simpson's episode where everyone makes a film for the town film festival, and Barney's is black and white and all depressing? This video reminded my of that. Then Mole man gets hit in the balls and that wins.
hey anonymous.... im not trying to win the x games, and i dont enjoy riding street and hucking myself for footage, and i like slow music, so theres a video... chilling on 3 or 4 different days that there was a camera around...."eh" is what i give your mom for the other night
Hey Harnisch I think the smart thing to do would have been to never enter this comment board and offend people who do ride street. If you dont want people talking shit dont talk shit back. You mine as well compete in x-gaymes
I dont got nothing against Jonny hes cool with his tabletops and shit, thats his thing but he cant go around talking shit like he owns the scene or else someone is going to own him. Come on guys lets not get in over our heads,,,
if you didnt know smart guy i also ride street... i may not be trendy but i came from the motocross side, BRO!! yea thats me ... also street was a bigger hit in the x games this year than park, so if your a street shredder youll probably have a better chance at winning it than me...

good luck beating sean

i just wanna know when i even came close to saying anything close to me "owning" the scene...
jonny is like god to me
gay vid
ive seen him do way more shit when thers nobody around.....
Jonny I love you :)
hahahah!!!!! you make me laugh
david taylor says "johnny is not a dick" THE END!
yesssssss, I love life, i do talk shit and i do it to your face and put my name on here, go film a part and do a bettr job and if you cant who cares
jonny is the most amazing human alive, besides shane
old school wuz handing out free stickers at glendale when they were filming sum of this, and i saw jason delorenzo straight refuse a sticker, tho everyone else wuz grateful 4 one. arrogant prick. he's got a long ways to go to compete with old school's shit. jonny's fuckin good & cool as hell tho- best attitude ever.
wait until he bums off of you
wait until he bums off of you
why would you ever accept anything from old school? let alone a sticker? jason is one of the nicest kids i know... and jonny is a shredder.
joey is one of the biggest shit talkers in az (excluding pencil mike.)and thats why joey is awsome as shit.
so what im a bum... blahhhh get salty
hola YESSSE!
johnny is a hardass
whats goin on:)
jonny's so mean :[

half you people don't even know me

so stop making assumptions

go to the come up and sound like asses
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