Derek Riggs and Poached Clips!


See More BMX Videos at VitalBMX.com

Saw this on Vital. Derek lookin' good while someone poached the Samar clip from Frank's Ditch edit.


Brandon Miller web video


The comments are probably going to be pretty good on this one.


Remember kids this weekend.



saferty first

well be premiering the new kink video safety first after the dagger deathrace alleycat on holloween night. ill post more info as we get closer to that date SAFETY FIRST. A Kink Video…Full Length. Sections from Jason Owens, Sean Sexton, Darryl Tocco, Landon Anderson/Lil Jon, KC Badger, Albert Mercado, Tony Hamlin, Aaron Smith and Chris Doyle. Additional riding from Josh Shaw, Tom Dillon, Talem Cowart and James Steele. Get Stoked.


Cheap New Bikes and Bike Parts


Ryan Letcher just recently decided he was over the tribal tattoos, flat bill hats, and tourist from Cali. So he moved away from Lake Havasu back to Mesa so he had to close down his shop. He has a ton of inventory he needs to sell off. So if you or someone you know needs some cheap completes, frames, cranks, etc you should call him at (928)208-9971. or send him a message on the space http://www.myspace.com/papaletch.




Ditch Summer Web from Frank Parks on Vimeo.
We've been filming this summer and i thought I'd throw a lil edit together. Another one to come in about 2 weeks or so i hope. Enjoy, or send the hate to my Tmail.


Lateral Progreession Trailer

I saw this bad boy over on clickedbmx that Mike Hines posted. It looks really good. T-town is getting it done.


Johnny Harnish Web Edit


Jason DeLorenzo filmed most of it and C-Los filmed a clip or two. And Johnny, I don't know about this Team Iowa business. Its all about Team Arizona. haha


This One is for Them Too


This for Josh Betley and Mykespace


joey motta


if youre tuned into the local skate scene at all, you know the older motta brother, hes smooth, stylish, and knows every damn spot in the state, thankfully for us his little brother rides bikes.. and like his older skateboarding brother, also kicks ass. i saw this little video on bmxonline. so i thought id post it here as well.
Joey motta from joey motta on Vimeo.


yeah jason!!


jasons another one of the wonder kids from east mesa who ive watched grow up and be a complete bad ass ( his older brother tigger was one of the dudes i completely sweated when i was younger.) long story short.. jason is on kink now also, and went on a east coast trip. and completely shut spots down.. like this curved wall to table.. atleast 5 feet higher than ANYONE has gone out of it. scoring the cover of ride yeahhh boy!!!


Chase Hawk Odyssey Web Video


Chase destroys a lot of AZ spots lurk it up.


Sunday on Central.



New Tempe BMX/Skatepark


The park that I wasn't suppose to give you directions to till it was open(ha) has been open for about a week or so. I still say its in the hood though its not as bad as Reed. Again the directions I wasn't suppose to give you till it was open are; University east of the 101, make right going south on George follow it all the way down, the road will stop at McArthur then make a right can't miss it. Or you can take Apache till Lebanon turn there head north then the first left on McArthur. Its a small park so if you're trying to flow around the thing get there early so you can ride without the worry of someone dropping in on you. Have fun kids


Quit your bitching


Can't we all just get along I don't care what they say I know Nate Wessel can build ramps better then anyone of the guys bitching. They're just mad because the park builder wasn't a skater.


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