

well... we need to find a new place to hand out the awards for the winners, our original spot fell through. soo if anyone has a house they dont mind a million bike riders hangin out at. let me know.. if not. might just have to have a session at a skatepark or something.

I think if it has to be at a skatepark, it should be on the side of town of which the winners are from
I think it should be at the original house and they should stop being bitches and just make sure it doesn't get out of hand. And just have a mellow barbeque like the superbowl party.
the voting has to be rigged. on some computers you can reset it and vote again. its unfair
i know man. but.. thats life i suppose.. people cheating.. it sucks. i know.

hopefully the cheaters sleep well at night knowing theyre going to win a pointless contest, that was put on for fun, and to showcase how good everyone in AZ is .
how can you say the voting was rigged? true city killers totally deserved their votes those guys killed it.
TCK deserves it, others do not.
look at the individual, robbie is the best? he barely had a part. i highly doubt 180 people or whatever voted for him. i think shane has best part. and he doesnt have hundreds of votes
head bustas? their video is the best. and no votes.
you should split the best rider between johnny stevens, jonny harnisch, andrew fowler, and shane reider! they pwn
what if you got like 3 or 4 judges that weren't part of any of the videos to vote on them. ?
honestly.. i dont think it matters who wins.

im just syked that all the videos came out so good.. this wasnt about the competition. just good riding and fun.

which it seems everyone had..

soo fuck it.
lets be honest the only reason anyone entered this thing was to win prizes and by prizes i mean hookers and copious amounts of blow
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