Lake Havasu


Ben posted something about Pat a while back but incase you didn't catch it. I run through it real quick. Pat Tinnell was a rider out of Lake Havasu who was K.I.A. in Iraq. The city of Havasu though the best way to honor him for making the ultimate sacrifice is to build a skate/bike park. They are still working on the funding and logistics but when its done it'll be the biggest park in the sate at over 40,000sq ft. Click here for more info about Pat and the park with the CAD designs of the park. If you can help them out in any way just shoot them an e-mail at the above link.

Thanks Seth...

My name is Rachelle and I am the project manager on this awesome park. We are shooting for a 2009 Fall construction date. Tony Hawk Foundation hit us up with a $10,000 grant and Skater Mike Vallely came out and filmed for 3 days for his show on Fuel TV. You can catch that episode some time in Aug. You can keep up to date on all the Tinnell Memorial Sport Park fundraising events by going to the Tinnell Memorial myspace page. Thanks everyone for you support.
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