children of the sun


after seeing gonz's interview on the comeup i realized alot of people somehow forgot/ dont know how bad ass the AZ scene as been for the last 15 years or so.. along w/ anthem, when i was younger this video got completely warn out from watching it hundreds of hundreds of times. when i started riding these were all the dudes that i looked up to/ wanted to be. they were fucking bad asses. shmoove, fatty patty, huber, spin, gonz, smoker, boaz, louie, kenny, toth, screech ( better known as ryan sher), merkle, brian vowell, UHL !! were all the dudes that were absolutely killing it. obviously gonz smoker and toth pretty much paved the way for modern street riding, and did shit 15 years ago that kids are still sweating today, along w/ BV,huber, shmooooove, screech, louie, and spin and willy ( 720s in 96???) who changed the trails scene on the west coast, and who were most influential to me being a little racer/ dirt rider. i remember the first time i went to UHL, the trails blew my mind...it completely changed how we all built jumps.. they went from having random sets around the desert to building them in succession, i know that sounds crazy to younger kids...haha if you ever get a chance to see the whole video.. do it. youll be amazed on how fun it is to watch, not to mention how good the riding is.even to todays standards, cory g and dan killed themselves makin it, but i think all the work payed off.. thanks guys! all i could find of the video is the crash section. but maybe cory or dan will be nice enough to upload it to youtube for us ( hint hint)

The good news. I found the tape. The bad news, I can't find my firewire cable. I'll get it up soon.


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Here I don't have time to do this now because I've got class but here KC;
that was probably the most influential video ever for me. i watched it religously when i was just starting to ride, so i tried to ride just like them. awsome vid
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