as im sure everyone knows by now. jimmy fell extremely hard on his head while skateboarding a few weeks back. he had been in a coma until just a few days ago and now needs our help. everyone knows that jimmy is a bad ass on a bike. but hes also one of the coolest, most down to earth people ive ever met. hes been one of my idols ever since road fools 1 , and now its crazy that i can call him a friend. this whole situation bums me out. this year has been rough for bike riders it seems. smokers situation, steven murrey, brandon, and now jimmy. its cool that the bmx community has been stepping up and showing the support that it has. if you would like to help out in jimmys case heres some words sandy carson emailed me w. how to help and a quick update on jimmys condition
Just a quick update on Jimmy's progress and his fund raising so far since
his accident.
The good news is that Jimmy has been progressing pretty well since he came
out his coma last week and sounds better each time I talk to him on the
phone. He has been transferred from the ICU at Morristown Memorial Hospital
to the JFK Brain Rehabilitation Institute and is up, shuffling around and
piecing his memory back together. It'll be a long road to recovery but we
are lucky that he is in the best rehab center for his injuries and has great
friends behind him.
The bad news is that Jimmy's insurance WILL NOT cover his rehab program
which he just checked into. The estimated total of the
rehab bills is estimated at $70,000 at least and that's coming out of his
family's pocket.
As you know EmpireBMX is matching donations to the Jimmy fund and now
Odyssey is matching what Empire matches, so we are talking trippling
whatever you donate!
The Empire fund match ends at the end of the business day on Friday so if
you haven't donated to the fund already, now would be the time to do it!
If any of you have websites or bloggs, feel free to post any of this
information and photos to help Jimmy out, we have to give this total a shot!
Here's the link to EmpireBMX to donate
seriously. send in 10 bucks.. that turns into 30. 10 bucks barely buys you lunch these days
thanks dudes