Lucas Porzio, he somehow jumped on the trip the night before we left, I was super stoked cuz hes an awsome dude. unfortunately he left the T.C. trip early cuz he had to have knee surgery on Wesnesday. I hope he's doing well and I cant wait to see that mofo back on his bike in FULL THROTTLE mode. He gained like 9 nick names so next time you see him ask him how Sheep Hills is.....

Anyone notice who he looks like now? (Cough, Taj, Cough)

We met up with K.C. Badger who is currently living in L.A. and and I beleive his working at Odyssey and stayin with Jim B. Thanks for showing us around and the checkmate you gave Johnny, it was awsome.

Here are some random pictures that I took before I lost the battery to my camera. The trip was alot of fun I wish that I never had to be back in Phoenix. But you'll catch us doing other big things real soon.

I want to thank everyone who came in this "tour/trip" all the people who took a week of work off, the crew, Billy who drove to San Diego, (Salty) Zack who took the 3 hour train to San Diego and rode 15 miles to find our hotel, Rick Thorne, Thomas and Bill Hancock, the guy at Skatecity who was cool about us filming there after our session was over, Michelle who drove to Vegas even if it was just one night thanks and happy b-day, Ray, Michelle (Ray's wife), Jesse and Chelsey for coming. I am still waiting on the podcast to come out from Thorne's radio show. I'll but it up when it comes out.