Glendale X-Park


Since KC has the Chandler park under control I though an update was due for the Glendale park. I checked it out yesterday, it looks like is mostly done munis the decks and has more flow than Biggie. The sign said estimate completion would be May 2007. Two parks in one month!!! On a related note Glendale had a X-park committe meeting to form the committe for the park yesterday as well. From what I gather the committe only consists of three people in total and they all ride; Old School, Andy Leeland and Rex Golos. Haha how do you like them apples.


chandler park

i drove by on my way to class last night. and the workers let me walk around. the park is 100% complete. just waiting for cinco de drinko. its absolutely amazing . perfect trannies..tons of lines. and not overkill like the flagstaff bmx park. i shot a couple really shitty photos w/ my phone and peiced em together.. only another week!


more local exposure photos

mykespace took some really good photos of the local exposure here are a few.
ruben crappy bowl transfer over the fence
sponge bob tailwhip to death
360 to elbow grind
johnny harnisch biggest lookbacks in mesa..over the crowd
sorry all these photos were super clear when I got them but yeah they didnt upload too well.
add mykespace and tell him all about how his photos kick serious butt. Maybe he has a few hidden of you in his archives.


Local Exposure...


YEah MAn!! As KC said, the two AZ stops of the Local Exposure Tour were awesome!!! The number of people that showed up to the MEsa event was insane, and it is always fun to see kids hucking themselves at The Fort!!!! Tuba Mike fucked up his Face again! here's a picture of Johnny Stevens, who won The Fort McDowell Stop, and Doug Coffey from Flagstaff. There are also a ton of awesome shots on Vital that Kyle Carlson from LasVegas took! Check 'em out!!




just wanted to say good job to shane and johnny for kickin ass this weekend. and it was good to see everyone that showed up. everyone was blown away by how good and cool everyone in AZ is and the sheer amount of people that ride. good times!


Steven Mueller interview


Steven Mueller is one of the nicest, and quietest people you will ever meet. On a bike he is a ripper with his own personal style that is amazing and yet he can throw the big tricks with the best of them. Off the bike he can shred a bar like no one elses business and get more nudes texted to his phone than you will see in your life. Anyhow hide you sisters this is the Steven Mueller interview.

Name, age, home? Steven Mueller, 22, Flagstaff AZ

How long have you been riding? About 6 years

So who do you look up to in riding? The entire FBI crew and anyone that just enjoys riding their bike.

Whats the scene like in Flag? We all work all day but as soon as were off everyone goes to the park and rides every day till the sun goes down. Good sessions, bad sessions, its always amazing to ride with your freinds eveyday.

So whats up with everyone up there never riding the bike park anymore? There are many poeple who still ride the park, Dupy, Lional, Tuba, Truman they all own that park. Anyway I guess its just not my style.

Why do you wear fag (girl) pants? I guess its just cause if you buy them right they fit right.

Any trends you don't like in bike riding as of lately? Cant think of anything

Favorite spot? Bushmaster

What do you think about the infamous Tuba Mike? I must say he is an amazing rider that can do anything he thinks of on his bike, and im stoked to ride with him any chance I can,, yet he can be a little strange I must say haha

Are you really going to get a BMW like you have been calling out? I dont call it out unless im gonna do it.

Is it just for the honeys or what? Well that of course but ive always wanted one since my brother had one.

Why do you wear sandals? Flip flops? Its all about being relaxed.

Is that for the honeys too? of course.

Why do the skateboarders in flagstaff always hangout at your house? My house is the place to be, plus the skaters and bikers all get along great in flag.

How does this happen but in phx that could never happen? maybe down in phoenix the skaters and bikers need to drink together more often hahah I really dont know

Thanks? Thanks to all my friends in Flag (fbi crew) anyone from out of town who is down to session with us and my pool table.


ditch pt. 2 matt nietschke


sooo frank fucked up and didnt send me matts answers to the questions for the original interview and he got real salt about it. so i told frank we could do one seperatly.so frank asked him a few questions... dude seems to have enough hate in him to share for the whole crew. pretty funny. Lets start this off with who you are, where your from and why I blew > putting ur stuff in the ditch interview matt nietschke, lodi california, you were too busy taking the quad stacker challenge to make sure everything was right. On Tue, 10 Apr 2007 1:00 pm, Gettin Ratty wrote: > Haahaha, fair enough. Wats ditch mean to you? Ditch is like family, maybe like a sitcom like family. We've got everything from white trash like ryanthom and nate to stereotypical black people like dimitrus. We've got a couple mexicans, some more broke white people, and a homo too. You tend to catch a lot of heat from the crew with all ur > switch/opposite bullshit. Wats with that anyways? I dunno man? I've always just thought it was cool. I've always just thought it 'balanced' if you spun both ways in a run, or did something both ways. Especially when its random, that should be a rule. Also, I hate seein people who have 4 pegs and only use one side of them. If you have pegs on both sides, you better grind on all of them. Yeah I'm callin out all the kids with a peg on the op side just for hang 5s. If you want pegs for tricks like that start riding flatland and quit trying to be brian vowell. Sounds like you got some hate. Hahaha wat else out in the bmx scene > bothers ya? Damn where do I start. Ill give u the top5. 1) bitchfooted people. "I can't do hard180s cuz the spin is opposite." So basically you're a piece of shit who can't turn the bike around. God damn I hate seeing people who can't do hard180s. Loofa can't do it, he's a bitch. Nick can't do them, he has to do them opposite so the spin is regular. He's a bitch. A good example of a bitchfooted rider is joey, he can do hard180s the right way. 2) bitchspin people: learn to spin the right way, because the way you spin is heinous. Its easy to figure out, your front foot should 'push' your spin around. Not 'pull.' No matter how you look at it, it looks better the way its intended to be. Example, jared chilko, learn to spin the right way you goofy bastard. 3) people who sweat eddie cleveland: I really don't know how to begin to say how much this pisses me off. Shit, eddie cleveland comes out with a good video part or two and the next second every kid has painted wheels, big bars, and a slammed plastic seat. All those kids are tryin to get they're footjams 'dipped' like eddie's. God damn get off his dick and get your own style. 4) hang 5s. Shits trendy and I hate seeing kids at skateparks with 1 peg, or pegs with griptape on them for this purpose. God damn, shit blew up bigger than big bars. I'd like to thank josh betley (whom I've never met before) for making this trend happen. 5) people who wear animal fitted hats who can't ride street. For some reason I feel that animal stands for street riding, but when I see some homo at the park doing xups while giving me maximum raditude (no homo) in one of those hats, I just feel like they should have interviewed the buyers of them things. Your one of those big bars, slammed seat, opp spinnin pieces of shit. > How does it feel to be wat you hate? Nah nah nah its not like that. I can spin both ways, I spin op cuz I think that shit is hot. And in my case it is. I had big bars before it was trendy, not long before, but long enough. I guess I might come across as someone who sweats eddie cleveland, but I dont/can't do barspins or footjams/tailwhips or a combination of either of the two. I don't necessarily hate myself, but I could easily do so. How come I almost never see a limb come off your bike? How many > different bike wiggles can you possibly do? Damn, I knew that was coming. I think it comes down to me being a pussy. I can do tylercoleman airs, so basically I can take my left foot off only. I got the wiggles on lock. I think I've got 10 table,turndown,invert variations. And aside from that I don't do much really. All those wiggles, much like ur opp spins, no one can tell the > difference between. Any last words of hate/wisdom/shoutouts? This is ur > chance to stur up some shit like the guy in the stall next to mine Daaaamn! Ill just share some random thoughts. Nate: thanks for being the exact opposite of someone who is successful. Same with thom. Same with dimitrus. Same with pretty much everyone in the set besides frank and I, although frank is blowin it. Bob told me to say that "rooftop is a goofy ass nigga." Kirkland white ts are better than all others. Mike saavedra is the shortest scenest person I have ever been mistaken for. Thank you kc badger for making me think that someone can 'make it' in bmx by only doing turndowns and xups. Dj chris is the worst ipod dj in the history of music. I'd like to thank derekriggs for predicting the weather. Thanks to Jake counsell for doing crack gaps and showing people horrible spots across california. Thanks to tmobile for inventing sidekicks. Thank you Drue mendenhall for making me never want to wear bandanas again. Lumberjoke is always someone to make fun of. You faggots can't fuck with the dreamteam. Brandon van loh and Pappy are old as hell. La scene should step their ledge game up. Cliff richardson is the hottest thing in bmx. Nothing loofa does counts. Thanks to Franks mom for potato salad. Someone should remind bruce crisman its not tech or cool to switchblade. Thanks to the whole set and kc for makin this happen I guess? And for blowin the first one. ditch usa trip this summer! Comin to ur town, fisting your sister! annd.. pics arent working so.. go lurk his space for proof he rides hahah http://www.myspace.com/calislowest


ditch crew interview


All the years that I have rode little bikes, its been more than going out and trying to learn the new hottest trick, being competitive, maybe it was who I grew up riding w/ , but riding to me is more just hanging out with a group of your best friends talking shit. For me it was sitting in the desert in 110 degree weather talking shit w/ everyone. I was always the youngest so I think I got it the worst, but fuck it, it made me a better person I think haha. Talking shit should be a major priority in a kids life, and especially in bmx. With that said. Ditch crew is what bmx is to me . A giant group of friends who arent scared to talk shit, on each other, or anyone for that matter. And its fucking awesome. So awesome that I asked them all a few questions and frank even edited a little video for the site. Thanks dude! Ditch crew is. Nick Bob Albert Fil Ryan tom Joey Nate Josh Dimitrius And frank what is ditchset ? Nick: It is a group of friend that ride bikes, when not talking shit bout other riders Bob: A gang of elite niggas Albert: the hottest set in the world. you gotta problem with that! Fil: <3everything yo mama wants and your daddy wasn't with a little mix of bmx.<3 Ryan Tom:The set is pretty much a group of dudes that ride bikes talk shit party and have wild times doin it all Joey: Its a very disfuncional family Nate: A bunch of bad mothafuckas Josh: a set of savages D: ditchsets a family. Me and fil started it as an idea for a clothing > company because we didn't want to have to work real jobs. That didn't > work out but we never stopped repping and it just got bigger and > bigger. Now its all of my best friends why did you move to AZ nick:For the hott weather! Bob:i actually havent moved yet. bay life! Albert: AZ hits, dont live there yet. maybe soon? fil: friends, the girl, year round warm weather, plus i heard there were mad turf wars in the desert. Ryantom: some of us are still holdin it down in cali, but both the girls and the riding are amazing in AZ joey: cali was too expensive and i guess AZ is alright Nate:its Warmer than Iowa Josh: lived here my whole life D: i already knew i was going to hell, figured i would practice Frank: i came here for school and the rest of the crew seemed to follow whats your favorite place to ride Nick:Monterey high Bob:anywhere i guess new spots uci Albert: anywhere in san diego, and everything ive ridden in AZ is good too. D: any skatepark with a ledge or rail. DITCHset is starting a movement towards a new style of riding. "Stark". Its street in parks Frank:- anything new, curbcuts whats your goal as a crew Nick:Talk as most shit as possible and hate on everything anybody does bob:take ditch across the world D: to rule the universe and have a party commemorating our holyness with strippers that we can throw raw meat at Frank:-Spred the hate, make sure no one ever does a switchblade (turn out opposite way) ever again, never pedals in a manual, never does a 'taj hop', all that style nazi shit. do you wish there were more crews then maybe you could have battles . like in you got served? hah Nick:Well no not really, we are the best anyways, plus we usually just battle eachother. Oh and most crews can't take shit talk cause they have vaginas Bob:nah not really plus i got moves on the dance floor D;if we battled it would have to be Navy Commander. I stomp fools in that shit Frank:-That'd be awesome, even though we'd prolly just sit an hate on everyone else while nate smoked cigarettes what do you do besides ride bikes? Nick:I shred some damn guitar hero like no other! bob: Blaze it write graff, sideshows, spit mac dre songs, whyle out D:we dabble in a little armed robbery and extortion and some knitting Frank:-Drink, sidekicks, lurk, plot on ways to get rich, make Albert use photoshop, edit the Ditch video why do you like carlo rossi so much ( this was aimed at franks drunk ass haha) Nick:I keep it edge Bob:my nigga 40 put me on D: originally we were gonna start the DITCH jug band but we couldn't find a good enough cuzzoo player so we just stuck to drinking rossi and smashing bottles on haters heads Frank:-Cheap and it gets ya drunk. 10 bucks a gallon! 'Rossi goes good with some dank over ice' Listen to E-40 is it a ditchset pre requisite for you to all have sidekicks? Nick:Yes! Absolutly D:there's some slackers and late bloomers but basically if you're not "kickin it" you're not kickin it Frank:That an a swift kick to the groin who are your favorite riders Nick:Everyone in the ditch crew D:since I'm black everyone assumes Im on edwins short and curlies... I am! Frank:everyone in ditch. why do you like to talk shit Nick:Haha it pisses people off D: iwe talk the shit the needs to be talked. Some people don't wanna hear it and that's what the rossi bottles are for. But most people accept the fact that we're "keepin it real" Frank: -so no one gets a big head, when u break it down ur just a grown man on a lil kid bikes... Least we tell you to your face favorite people to talk shit about Nick:Sean sexton just cause he's too good one a bike oh and thinks he's cool cause he built his own trubo for his car... D;anyone who switchbladesor bitch hops. That shit don't slide. You get called out on that shit. Don't matter who you are. NO EXCEPTIONS! Frank:prolly eachother... That's where the real hate gets said. And kc badger, that guy is a douche, who gets famous for x ups and turndowns? Hahahaha (ed. note FUCK YA!!! -kc) why do you think people take bmx so seriously? Nick:Good question, cause they all want to be cooler than eachother. D;it aint a game! It used to be one. Niggas is losin they lives in the streetz ova this shit. Niggas get caught slipin in the wrong hood and get 2 pieced! Frank:- cause you can pull mad wool if your serious any thanks. Nick:Big D, fil and mario for riding in a ditch when they came up with the whole idea D; Id like to thank my parentals for gettin busy Frank:- pbr, carlo rossi, mothers, snoffers, couches, floors, wii, colt 45, mickeys and oj, kronik juice, skittles, oral, ipods, Shane Rossi (no relation to carlo), sidekicks, nudes, Mac Dre (r.i.p.),kc, jaboads(spelling?) the hyphy movement, Anyone who's let me eat their food an sleep at their house, last but not least; family, both blood an not no thanks. Nick:Fuck bikes D:no thanks to everyone that's helped or repped or did anything good for DITCH. They don't need "thanks". They get love(minimal homo) Frank: - flats, broken chains, gas prices, nagging women, old people, low alcohol beer (damn colorado), people who can't take a joke, traffic, squally ok im not gonna lie. i got lazy and just used a few of the crews answers. i def. cut half the crews answers out. sorry dudes. this shit woulda taken me a month! talk shit!


new betley vid


sorry for the lack of updats on my behalf. ive been lost in the dirty swampy south for a few weeks hah.. but i did manage to see josh's new video. and i think he might be winning the most internet coverage of the year award haha ( and fuck the embeded link isnt working.. soo go to www.vitalbmx.com )


Better Late Than Never- RedBull Elevation


It's pretty hard to come to bat behind Children of The Sun . It's like still being down by one in the bottom of the ninth when your teamate before just hit a Grand Slam. -what can YOU do?!?!? I've been asked a bit lately to see some photos, so I thought I would pull up some shots from my trip up to Whistler, B.C. for the Red Bull Elevation contest last summer. There were probably six or seven kids from here in AZ that made it up there, as both participants, and mooches, and it was by far the best BMX contest I've ever been to. We satyed at the five star Westin and on Saturday night, Redbull hosted a party on top of a glacier (in the middle of summer, mind you), with Nashville Pussy playing live to a group of probably 200... ssooo good!!! sooo fun!!!


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